- Organizing further education for staff of the Learning and Innovation Center of Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda, Den Bosch (2013)
- Coordinating development of the program for the Ticer Summer Course Digital Libraries à la Carte, Tilburg 2012 (2011 / 2012)
- Translation corrections (German to English) for the book Strengthening innovation systems : foundation, concept and strategic approach / Bernd Kadura ; Joachim Langbein ; Kerstin Wilde (2011)
- Member program committee Ticer Schools ‘Digital Libraries à la Carte’, Tilburg (2006 - 2009)
- Co-course director Ticer School ‘Digital Libraries à la Carte: Choices for the Future’, Tilburg (2005)
- Program developer LIBER preconference 'Converging and dissolving the University Library?', Groningen (2005)
- Co-course director Ticer School ‘Electronic Resources and Electronic Publishing’, Tilburg (2004)
- Survey anti-plagiarism activities in Dutch Higher Education for SURF Foundation (2004)
Organizing the seminar Publicación Electrónica: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, San José, Costa Rica, about e-publishing in Latin America, together with Isabel Galina, UNAM, Mexico (2004)
- Assessment library facility SKF Engineering and Research Centre, Nieuwegein (2003)
- NeReLiA, Networked Resources, Libraries and Authentication, study of developments in access management, commissioned by SURF Foundation, carried out in cooperation with staff from libraries Tilburg University, London School of Economics, and Tilburg University computer center (2002)
- Electronic publishing, Universidad Nacional Costa Rica, investigation of the opportunities for electronic publishing projects, project funded by the NUFFIC foundation, in cooperation with Tilburg University Institute for Development Studies (2002)
- Organizational advice library facility of the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna (2002)
- Course director Ticer Summer School ‘Digital Libraries and the Changing World of Education’, together with Graham Bulpitt, (then) director Learning Centre of Sheffield-Hallam University (2002)
- Director two-day seminar Libraries and Education, Avans Hogeschool, Breda (2001)
- Project management adapting the Texas Information Literacy Tutorial for the IHOL consortium, TILT is an
interactive website teaching information literacy skills, (re)development of an American tutorial in a multidisciplinary team, see (2001)
- Course director Ticer Summer School ‘Digital Libraries and the Changing World of Education’ (2001)
- Advice on future course Mulock Houwer library of the Stichting Jeugdinformatie Nederland (2000)
- Development strategic plan for the libraries of the Amsterdam School for Professional Education
- Strategic advice library Dutch Open University (1999)
- Organizational advice library Pedagogical and Educational sciences, Amsterdam University (1998)
- Project manager "De Spoorzone Ontsloten", Public Library Tilburg (2014)
- Development project proposal for a Tilburg University portal (2005)
- Project manager Academic Research in the Netherlands Online (ARNO), SURF project aimed at setting up OAI compliant institutional repositories containing the academic output of the universities of Amsterdam, Tilburg and Twente (2000 - 2002)
- Member workgroup ICT and education Tilburg University, co-development of the e-learning strategy of the university, prepared introduction of BSCW and Blackboard (1999)
- Project manager Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, development of a completely new electronic-only journal in cooperation with the law faculties of Maastricht, Tilburg and Utrecht (1997 - 1998)
- Coordination and writing of ICT project proposals of Tilburg University to be submitted to the Dutch Department of Education, this concerned early e-learning projects such as: teacher training, facilities in lecture rooms, electronic guides (1997)
- Member project team national Online Contents, development of a Dutch periodical index and current awareness service, in cooperation with Pica and the Dutch Royal Library (1991 - 1992)
- Project manager Online Contents, Tilburg University Library, as above, but concerning an index of the journals in the Tilburg University collection (1991 - 1992)
- Founder OiTiO consultancy, project & interim management (2011)
- Director Information Resources and Multimedia, Jacobs University Bremen (2005 - 2010)
- Manager DiRECt Community, SURF Foundation (2004 - 2005)
- Project manager Student Facilities, Tilburg University (2003 - 2005)
- Consultant, Ticer (1998 - 2005)
- Editor EMNET Nieuwsbrief Elektronische Media (1996 - 1998)
- Deputy Librarian, Tilburg University Library (1993 - 2002)
- Librarian Economics and Computer Science, Tilburg University Library (1990 - 1993)
- Member University Council,Tilburg University (1986 - 1987 / 1989 - 1991)
- Student Counselor, Faculty of Economics, Tilburg University (1987 - 1990)
- Economics teacher, Katholieke Leergangen Tilburg (1986 - 1988)
- Economics teacher, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University (1982 - 1987)
- Assistant economics teacher, Eindhoven University of Technology (1979 - 1982)
- Introduction to Digital Environments for Learning, University of Edinburgh (2010)
- Monetary Economics, Tilburg University (1975 - 1982)